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Sanación espiritual, paz interior, reiki, proceso de sanación profunda, terapia energética Adaba
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Adaba healing therapy and reiki Karuna
What is Adaba

¿What do we heal with Adaba and reiki karuna?

We get the chance to heal our soul and emotional pain, we even heal the origin of sickness: 

It clears up karmic relationships and trauma from past life events and childhood 

You learn how to set up healthy boundaries 

 We clean the ties of pain and dependency generated with our parents and/or caregivers and the family system is reviewed.

It treats depression, anguish, guilt, shame and other complex states

You heal sadness, abandonment and rejection, sense of unworthiness, lack of self-love and meaning

It clears up black magic and dark entities.

• It brings relief when the body is in emotional pain and helps it to transmute and detoxify cells to maintain its self-regulation capacity. It can decrease pain, for example inflammation, it can heal imbalances that manifest from one generation to another and some diseases that cannot be removed with remedies, but have a psycho-emotional origin.

 *Activate the audio of the video in Spanish (6 mins. long)

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Face-to-face in Viña del Mar, Chile and remote

Together with light beings, Paula will take you to a deep healing process. We will talk about your needs and present life situation and then I will scan your aura. We will start healing what it shows us using the Adaba method together with its vocal healing and other techniques such as Karuna reiki, Christic energy healing, channeling, Archangels, gemotherapy and flower essences if necessary. To experience change, I recommend approximately four sessions, depending on the rhythm and stage of each patient.

Both formats, face-to-face and remote, lead to the same results.


1 session: USD$60.00

4-session discount: USD$225.00


1 session: USD$55.00

4-session discount: USD$199.00

Testimonios con terapia energética Adaba, resultados.


About Adaba healing therapy

I came to Paula Pereira due to a chronic lumbar injury, the one I had for twelve years. The doctors said it would not heal but today I am  happy to say that that time of my life is in the past. The injury healed completely in a magical way after the first session thanks to Adaba techniques.
Now I have no doubt, as my therapist said: "Magic exists".
Christian Fuentes
Meet Paula
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Paula Pereira

Paula Pereira is an Adaba healer and a spiritual coach with 9 years of experience, she also facilitates groups of mindfulness and Chakradance workshops. Through dance and active meditation techniques, she leads participants into emotional freedom. Her main interest is to create instances to be present, to get to know ourselves deeply and to live a fulfilling life in accordance to our souls needs. 

Paula Pereira sanadora formada en enseñanzas budista, las artes expresivas y meditación.
Ven a conectar con tu alma y sanar profundamente. Sesiones individuales y grupales.

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