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Discover innate qualities that reside in each of the chakras and empower them. Created in Australia, this platform takes you on an inner journey through dance, meditation and mandala art.


Chakradance is a space for discovering the qualities that reside in each one of us through the connection with our energy system made up of the seven chakras. Each energy center or chakra is a world to discover and plays an important role in maintaining a person's mental, physical, emotional and spiritual balance. Usually, we use the energy of the intellect, not knowing that we have other capacities available to integrate into our lives and work. With Chakradance we awaken and activate these capacities through spontaneous dance, using specific music that guides us and mandala art to integrate the opening experience into dance. It is a beautiful personal and healing journey.

Workshop Seven Chakras, Seven Worlds

Attunement of capacities inherent to the Deep Self

In this format we organically introduce ourselves into each of the seven chakras.

· We experience the existing potential in each energetic center, being integrated in us when dancing.

· Along with each chakra we are opening ourselves to a world of perceptions and understandings.

· When we move we heal because we release energy and we balance because we awaken the energy of the chakras that we do not usually use

· In turn, we heal aspects of the chakras that we use counterproductively. An entertaining and experimental journey in a sacred space.


For each one, the experience is unique and unrepeatable, each class receiving a new understanding and the possibility of mobilizing something new. You will become familiar with the qualities of each chakra,  deepening and integrating feeling a change in your day to day.

Modality: Workshop for private groups, companies and organizations. 

This modality can be used as a practice every one or two weeks, since each day will be a different experience and with the possibility of continuing to align the chakras and discover their potential.

Duration: approximately 2 hours.

Over 16 years.

Take contact for more information, exposing modality of interest.

• Does not require dance experience

Awakening in Motion Cycle

A deepening journey to the seven worlds 

A complete cycle of 9 weeks where we integrate in a more profound way the totality of the human experience. 

Each class is dedicated to an energy center (chakra), that is, to experiencing a different aspect of the Being. We may never have activated some of these centers, they may be blocked or, on the contrary, they may be overloaded.

In each session we naturally heal each chakra and get closer to its proper functioning, directly influencing our lives. We are discovering how deep the Human Being is and so many aspects that we can enhance.


Modality: A cycle for private groups, companies and organizations. 

Duration: 9 classes of 2 hours each.

Over 16 years.

Take contact for more information, exposing modality of interest.

• Does not require dance experience

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